Sunday, May 24, 2009

my dream wedding ceremony!

haha. i don't know why i wanna post bout this thingy.hee
erm, maybe after i letak brides wars badge tu kot :)
erm, anyway, i rasa, Brides Wars is the best movie ever !! This story is all about friendship. damn!! SUPERB. memang best sangat.

Before this, whats came up in my mind when ppl asked me about my dream wedding - "erm, maybe in a ballroom? or in a garden perhaps? i'm not so sure la"

But now, I got the answer. tapi tak tahu la kan. ini hanyalah dream. boleh ke my prince buat macam ni? Oh, prince pun tak tahu lagi siapa orangnya:)

So, my dream wedding is, I want ppl celebrate us in a BALLROOM full with dramatic lights and great decoration. Colours? I didnt choose it yet but I love white,silver or something looks pure. I dont wanna wear kebaya, I wanna wear kebaya+dress. erm, macam mana tu sebenarnya?haha.
I pun tak tahu la nak panggil ape. But, the design is already in my head. But, this is just a dream.
erm, yang paling penting dan a bit odd. Not odd! but SPECIAL is, I want my sdtbff send me to my prince. Means, my prince will wait for me at the end of red carpet. Oh, I want gold carpet!hee *demand*
Then start from bilik make up, my sdtbff @ my made-of honor akan berjalan dan menghantar saya kepada dia.
Well, if you all cant imagine how its looks alike, sila tonton Brides Wars. Macam itu lah yang saya nak buat.
well, its just a dream.

flip flop flap flup

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